近来,东南大学赵远锦教授及其团队提出了一种可协同递送和缓慢释放药物的微胶囊,其由明胶-甲基丙烯酸接枝共聚物(GelMa)内核和聚乳酸羟基乙酸共聚物(PLGA)外壳组成。在微球的制备过程中,使用液滴微流控技术,溶有阿霉素(DOX)的GelMa水溶液作为内层,溶有喜树碱(CPT)的PLGA油溶液作为中间层,聚乙烯醇(PVA)水溶液作为外层,流体接触时乳化成均匀的双乳液模板,通过紫外固化模板内核,通过溶剂挥发固化模板壳层(图 1)。该过程避免了乳液的破损及包裹液的流出,因此可显著提高药物的包裹效率。
Figure 1 (a) Schematic diagram of a capillary microfluidic system for generating the W/O/W double emulsion templates with polymerized cores; (b) schematic diagram of the fabrication process of the drug loaded GelMa-PLGA core-shell microparticles.
当三种液体流过相应的管道时,GelMa水溶液在内相管道末端形成液滴,然后被封装在中间层管道末端形成的PLGA液滴中(图2a-c)。通过调节微流控装置的孔口大小和各层流体流速,可以得到不同尺寸和结构的微胶囊。通过该方法得到的微胶囊具有相当稳定的结构(图 2d-f),而且微胶囊的核、壳均具有相对均一的尺寸(图 2g-i)。
Figure 2 (a–c) Real-time microscopic images of the microfluidic generation process of the W/O/W double emulsion templates encapsulated with tunable number of cores. The scale bar is 100 μm; (d–f) optical microscope image of the monodisperse core-shell double emulsions with one, two and three cores, respectively. The scale bar is 200 μm; (g–i) the size distributions of the inner radiuses and outer radiuses of the double emulsions with one, two and three cores, respectively.
Figure 3 In vitro accumulative CPT and DOX release from GelMa-PLGA core-shell microparticles. (a,c)Drugs release from thin shell (22 μm) microparticles; (b, d) drugs release from thick shell (60 μm) microparticles.(c,d) The first 12 h processes of (a,b), respectively. Error bars represent standard deviations.
Figure 4 Optical and fluorescence microscopy images of HCT116 cells treated with unloaded microparticles (a, d), only CPT-loaded microparticles (b, e), and DOX-CPT-co-loaded microparticles (c, f) for 24 h, respectively. The scale bar is 50 μm.
本研究由东南大学赵远锦教授团队完成,于2017年1月22日在线发表于Science China Materials。
Yanna Li, Dan Yan, Fanfan Fu, Yuxiao Liu, Bin Zhang, Jie Wang, Luoran Shang, Zhongze Gu and Yuanjin Zhao*. Composite
标签:   药物输送 微流控技术