Advantages of Lab-on-a-chips
Lab-on-a-chips may provide advantages, which are specific to their application. Typical advantages are:
- low fluid volumes consumption (less waste, lower reagents costs and less required sample volumes for diagnostics)
- faster analysis and response times due to short diffusion distances, fast heating, high surface to volume ratios, small heat capacities.
- better process control because of a faster response of the system (e.g. thermal control for exothermic chemical reactions)
- compactness of the systems due to integration of much functionality and small volumes
- massive parallelization due to compactness, which allows high-throughput analysis
- lower fabrication costs, allowing cost-effective disposable chips, fabricated in mass production
- Part quality may be verified automatically
- safer platform for chemical, radioactive or biological studies because of integration of functionality, smaller fluid volumes and stored energies
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