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为了解决这些问题,生物可降解的微粒及其表面粘附的细胞被用来促进组织缺损修复。这些微粒分散在可粘附胶中,而最新的进展则是将水凝胶制成微凝胶,通过微流控装置将细胞先包裹进微凝胶中,促进细胞增值及分化,然后再将这些微凝胶注射进缺损部位。近来,澳大利亚莫纳什大学Jessica E. Frith和John S. Forsythe教授团队使用一种简易的,低成本的微流控技术合成一种由明胶降冰片烯(GelNB)组成,聚乙二醇(PEG)为交联剂的可见光固化微凝胶。此外,该团队还发现这项微流控技术可以快速原位封装人骨髓间充质干细胞,并且这些细胞在GelNB微胶中软骨诱导培养基下呈现高成软骨能力,特别是成透明软骨。

首先,该团队利用可见光(400-500nm)交联,基于双正交硫醇-烯反应合成了明胶水凝胶体系(图 1A),该体系拥有天然的细胞可粘附能力,更单一的网状结构。此外,降解性测试发现该水凝胶可以提供一个灵活的培养环境,可以帮助细胞迁移及分化(图1D)。其次,该团度制备了以200ul微量管为基础的微流控装置(图 2)。


Figure 1. GelNB hydrogelthiol?norbornene photoclick reaction andthe bulk gel characterization.  (A)Schematic representation of the chemical structures and gel networkpost-photopolymerization: Norbornene functional groups were conjugated with primary amine groups on gelatin. Thiol functional groups were on the two endsof the PEG chain. (B) UV?vis measurements of LAPphotoinitiator. (C) Photorheology measurements of storage modulus  (G′) and loss modulus(G″) of the bulk hydrogel. (D) Degradation profile ofthe bulk gels incubated in DPBS at 37 °C.


Figure 2. Pipette tip-based microfluidic device fabrication. (A) Lowcost consumables: PTFE tubes ×2, silicone tube ×1, pipet tip ×1, mold ×1, and needles ×2. (B) Core pipet chamber.(C) Nozzle of the device. (D) Assembled final device.

该团队通过此装置制备出GelNB微凝胶,通过控制油相流速可以生成直径不同的微凝胶,油相流速越大(16mL/h),微胶直径越小(320 ± 9 μm)(图 3A-D)。通过使用琼脂糖模体发现注射这些微胶后可以填充在其中,证明其可注射性(图 3F)。


Figure 3. GelNB microgel characterization.(A) GelNB microgels size distribution in oil fabricated with high oil flowrates. (B) GelNB microgels size distribution in oil fabricated with low oilflow rates. (C) GelNB microgels generated with high oil flow rates size distribution in DPBS after MQ water washing. (D) GelNB microgels generated withlow oil flow rates size distribution in DPBS after MQ water washing (scale bar:200 關m). (E) Swelling and degradation profile of GelNB microgels (low oil flow rate) incubated in DPBS at 37 ?C.(F) Demonstration of the injectability of GelNB microgels: (i) agrose gel witha cavity inside mimicked articular cartilage defect; (ii) generated microgels redispersed in DPBS after washing and loaded into a syringe; (iii) microgels injection through a hypodermic needle; (iv) microgels occupied the wholecavity.

该团队通过这种方法将细胞封装进微凝胶中(图 4A-B),在第一天大多数封装的细胞都是存活的,证明这项封装技术具有很好的生物相容性,而在培养第7天,细胞存活率有一定的提升,这说明CelNB微凝胶适合细胞长期培养(图 4D-E)。


从载细胞微凝胶第一天的3D重建图像以及强度曲线分析中可以看到,细胞在GelNB微凝胶中均匀分布(Figure 5A-i,B-i),然而,七天后大部分的细胞都存在微凝胶的表面,并且没有在微凝胶内部观察到死的细胞,说明细胞发生了迁移(Figure 5A-ii,B-ii)。这种迁移过程并没有在大体积GelNB水凝胶中发现(凝胶厚度 ~3 mm)。


封装后对细胞分化能力检测发现,相比于基础培养基,软骨诱导培养基培养后二型胶原表达明显增高(Figure 6)。二型胶原被广泛认为是软骨分化途径中的标志物,关节软骨中95%的成分都是二型胶原。


Figure 6.hBMSCs protein deposition immunostaining in GelNB microgels with basal and chondro-inductive supplement media. (A) z-stack fluorescent images of hBMSCsafter 7 days culture in basal media with nucleus (blue) (i), type I collagen (red) (ii), and type II collagen (green) (iii) staining. (B) z-stack fluorescent images of hBMSCs after 7 days culture in condro-inductive mediawith nucleus (blue) (i), type I collagen (red) (ii), and type-II collagen (green) (iii) staining. Scale bar: 200 μm.

本研究由澳大利亚莫纳什大学Jessica E. Frith和JohnS. Forsythe教授团队完成,并于2017年2月22日在线发表于ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces。


Fanyi Li, Vinh X. Truong, Helmut Thissen, JessicaE. Frith*, John S. Forsythe*. Microfluidic Encapsulation of Human MesenchymalStem Cells for Articular Cartilage Tissue Regeneration. ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces. 2017; 9: 8589?8601.

标签:   微流控